MBR Filter

Ultrafiltration für verschiedenste

MBR Schiffskläranlagen

Fortschrittliche Anlagen mit
bewährter MBR-Technologie


Mechanische Vorreinigung 
für dezentrale Kläranlagen

MBR Package Plant

Mobile Container-Kläranlagen


Die kompakte MBR-Trinkwasser-

Cube Mini

Ultrafiltrationsmodul zur Trinkwasser- 
gewinnung in Katastrophengebieten

paul Wasserrucksack

Der tragbare Wasserfilter kann bis zu
200 Menschen pro Tag versorgen.

MBR Filter – Ultrafiltration for various applications

Due to their defined pore size (<0.1 μm), the ultra­fil­tration mem­branes used for waste­water treat­ment phy­sically sepa­rate the smallest par­ticles up to colloids from liquids. The mem­brane retains these sub­stances without changing them physi­cally or chemi­cally. This prevents hazar­dous sub­stances from being formed in the first place. We use user-friendly flat mem­branes made of organic poly­mers which, in com­bi­nation with the so­phis­tica­ted filter design, effec­tive­ly pre­vent the filter from being clogged by hair, fibers or other un­hy­gienic coarse sub­stances.

With more than 80,000 mem­brane modules installed, MARTIN Systems GmbH is your com­pe­tent partner for sub­merged filter modules for all MBR app­li­cations. For our cus­to­mers, we are con­tinuous­ly ex­pan­ding our pro­duct range and in­ves­ting in the ex­pan­sion and op­ti­mi­zation of our pro­duction facilities.

The processing of high-quality plastics (PP) and stain­less-steel com­po­nents (SS 304, SS 316 optional) ensures the highest quality and a long service life. Further filter sizes can be flexibly con­fi­gured due to the modular design.

Compared to con­ven­tional acti­vated sludge plants, the techno­logy has several ad­van­tages as a combi­nation of proven activated sludge techno­logy and inno­vative mem­brane pro­cess. There­fore, a con­ven­tional secon­dary clarifier is no longer necessary to achieve the highest effluent quality.


  • Low space requirement, compact design,
  • no secondary sedimentation tank
  • excellent effluent quality, hygienization of the
  • treatment plant effluent
  • reuse of the filtrate, e.g. as service water
  • robust construction
  • reliable operation

FM 6123

FM 6143

FM 6163

FM 6144

FM 6164

LFM 20102

LFM 20103