MBR Filter

Ultrafiltration für verschiedenste

MBR Schiffskläranlagen

Fortschrittliche Anlagen mit
bewährter MBR-Technologie


Mechanische Vorreinigung 
für dezentrale Kläranlagen

MBR Package Plant

Mobile Container-Kläranlagen


Die kompakte MBR-Trinkwasser-

Cube Mini

Ultrafiltrationsmodul zur Trinkwasser- 
gewinnung in Katastrophengebieten

paul Wasserrucksack

Der tragbare Wasserfilter kann bis zu
200 Menschen pro Tag versorgen.

Waste treatment

Food waste treatment is a very important task on board cruise ships. Every day, 0.8-2 kg per person per day needs to be processed, but high amounts of food waste affect the performance of the wastewater system. Our food waste systems are easy to operate and require minimal maintenance. Food waste systems consist of one or more feeding stations (disposers) in the kitchen and a collection tank (capacity 3 or 5 m³). The food scraps are crushed and enter the holding tank by vacuum, resulting in only a small pipe diameter and less flushing water. Optionally, a skimmer can be offered for drainage if the wastewater system has sufficient capacity.

Technologies for processing of various waste streams

Recycling equipment

For the processing of:

  • Glass 
  • Cans
  • Non-contaminated, dry and combustible wastes

Vacuum transport and processing systems for food waste

For the processing of food waste

Interface between AWT & Food Waste System and incinerator.

For dewatering and drying of food waste and AWT biosolids.


For the combustion of:

  • Dry, solid and combustible wastes
  • hazardous waste
  • dry food waste
  • dry biosludge

Waste shredder / crusher

Briquetting systems

Glass breaker

Wet waste vacuum unit

Wet waste shredder

Wet waste storage

Wet waste tank "Eclipse"

Sorting tables

Food waste disposer

Decanter "Eclipse"

Desintegration 60.000


Screw press "Silver Origin"

Incinerator "Atlas 600 SL"

Briquette magazine

Briquette distributor

Thermosterilization EGV