MBR Filter

Ultrafiltration für verschiedenste

MBR Schiffskläranlagen

Fortschrittliche Anlagen mit
bewährter MBR-Technologie


Mechanische Vorreinigung 
für dezentrale Kläranlagen

MBR Package Plant

Mobile Container-Kläranlagen


Die kompakte MBR-Trinkwasser-

Cube Mini

Ultrafiltrationsmodul zur Trinkwasser- 
gewinnung in Katastrophengebieten

paul Wasserrucksack

Der tragbare Wasserfilter kann bis zu
200 Menschen pro Tag versorgen.

Mechanical pre-treatment

For a safe and low-maintenance operation of membrane activated sludge plants, hair, fast substances, etc., which can form undesirable plugs in the membrane biology, must be screened out of the raw wastewater. However, the organic contents from the screenings should be returned to the biological treatment stage as a carbon source.

For decentralized membrane wastewater treatment plants, a simple and inexpensive mechanical pre-treatment for the separation of screenings and grit is required. The CUBE Fine Screen meets these requirements by combining vertical fine screening with screenings washing and a circular grit trap. The separated solids can be discharged via a dewatering screw. The separated screenings and the accumulating sand can also be sucked directly out of the container by means of a suction device.

Range of application

Medium Wastewater containing solid matter
Designation Fine screen
RA 350-600 RA 350-1000 RA-SS/DS
Material 1.4301 / 1.4571 / PP
Max. flow rate [l/s] 5 7 15-30
Screen length [mm] 813 1000 Datasheet
Screen pipe diameter [mm] 350 300/600
Screen openings [mm] 1 mm Hole / 0.5 mm Slot
Outlet Flange DN 150
Output [kW] 0.37 1.1

Sieve screw Silver Shadow

Drum screen Vasco da Gama

Pre-treatment Silver Shadow

Mechanical pre-treatment plant Vasco da Gama